Cold radiators, No More!

Feel the warmth once more!

Ah, radiators – those unsung heroes of home heating. They quietly keep us warm and cozy on chilly days, but do we really show them the love they deserve? In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of radiators and explore some practical tips on how to keep them warm and efficient. So sit back, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of radiator maintenance!


  1. Dare to De-Dust:
    Radiators are like magnets for all sorts of dust bunnies, pet fur, and mystery crumbs. Keeping these sneaky culprits at bay will ensure your radiator can heat your space more efficiently. So, don’t be afraid to grab your trusty duster or vacuum cleaner and banish those dust devils from your radiator’s nooks and crannies. It’s time for some squeaky-clean heating action!
  2. Bleed Your Radiators (No, not with a Stake):
    If you notice a chilly patch on your radiator (at the top) , even though it’s turned up to full blast, it might be time for a good ol’ fashioned bleed! Air can sometimes get trapped in the system, leaving only lukewarm spots where you crave to feel the warmth. By bleeding your radiators, you’ll release those pesky air bubbles and allow the hot water to flow freely. Just remember, this is a job for the brave – you don’t want to be caught off guard by an unexpected jet of water! Remember – cold spots at the top, bleed the radiator to see if you can improve its heat, cold spots at the bottom or in the middle – this is likely due to sludge in the radiators.
  3. Wine & Radiators: Partners in Cosiness (But Not How You Think):
    Here’s a tip to keep your radiator purring like a contented kitten: place heat reflector foil behind it! Yes, you heard that right. This foil acts as a barrier, preventing heat from escaping through the wall and instead, bouncing that warmth right back into your room. It’s like a little disco ball for your cozy vibes – but without the disco music.
  4. Cover It Up, in Style: Investing in a radiator cover can make your heating system more energy efficient. Not only do radiator covers add a touch of style to your room, and lets face it radiators can be pretty unsightly, but they also help distribute heat more evenly around the room, especially when installed with a foil heat reflector. They also offer a handy surface for displaying your favourite trinkets or even doubling up as a bookshelf. Who knew heating could be so mind bindingly fun, haha.
  5. The Power of the Power Flushing: Cold Radiators at the bottom ?
    Give your radiators and heating system some extra love by calling in the cavalry – a professional power flush! Over time, minerals and debris can build up in your heating system causing whats commonly known as sludge, reducing your systems efficiency and slowing down the heat transfer from boiler to radiators. A thorough power flush will help get your radiators clear of these contaminants, ensuring it runs like a well-oiled machine and keeps you toasty and warm throughout the winter. Say goodbye to mediocre heating and hello to cozy bliss! If left unchecked, breakdowns and costly repairs to your heating system will be the next pitstop!


Radiators might not be the talk and bustle of the coffee shops and pubs, but they deserve a standing ovation for their tireless efforts in keeping us snug. By incorporating these tips into your radiator maintenance routine, you’ll not only improve efficiency but enjoy a toasty warm living space too. So, next time you cozy up to your trusty heat source, remember to give it a nod of appreciation – because without radiators, life could be a whole lot…chillier! They may not look the prettiest, but they sure are a wonderful thing to have so lets take care of them.

Stay warm, stay ingenious, and let those radiators work their magic!

Yours warmly,
AHPS team

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